Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Symposium Begins

Symposium: A conference at which a certain subject is discussed.

Lacking any definite plan or order or purpose.

Mental process which allows beings to model the world

So it begins. What begins you may ask? Good question; essentially whatever. In a break with the set in stone conventional blogging wisdom, this blog has no specific topic. Why? Quite simple really 1) We are new to this and have no idea how to blog correctly. 2) We have many different interests and don't think it politically correct to single any one of them out. 3)We felt like doing it this way. 4) Unless you immediately leave after reading this sentence we will assume you are at least somewhat interested and therefore our new scheme of blog writing has at its core some merit.

So the next question is "Who is we?" The simple truth is we don't know exactly who we are, but we are normally called Justin Gunter and Jeff Holingsworth. We're both students at William Carey University and are roommates (selected by a random process I might add).

Justin Gunter
I am Junior at William Carey University majoring in History and minoring in Business Administration, Spanish, and Communication. I'm a member of the Speech and Debate team and Pi Kappa Delta chapter at WCU. I work as a student in the WCU Information Technology Office. My interests include: computers, video games, reading, philosophy, theology (Christianity), history, and debating in no particular order.

Jeff Hollingsworth
I am in no way a clone of my roommate, though the following personal interest statement my make you think otherwise. I am also a Junior at William Carey University going for a major in Religion and History and thinking about minoring in English. I don't do a whole lot of anything for extra curricular activities except teach a small group for Middle School boys at my church on Wednesdays and play a whole mess of video games. As for what I like, I enjoy such things as video games, reading (novels, comic books, and theological books), and various shows on television. Also, I am a movie fiend.

So what can you expect to see on this blog? Well that is perhaps both the easiest and most difficult question to be asked. Short answer, everything. Not happy with that? Well I wouldn't be either so here's a list of possible topics: Book Reviews, Movie Reviews, Game Reviews, Personal Stories/Observations/Memoirs, Interesting News/Facts/History, Societal/Controversial Commentary, Religious Topics/Christian Living, picture galleries, funny stories/pictures/comics, and the occasional rant about absolutely nothing of importance.

With that said, I encourage you to check back often, hopefully there will be new content whenever you check back. If not you can most likely blame our professors or bosses, not ourselves. To facilitate your continued and perpetual observance of this blog there is a nice link located conveniently to the right that will assist you in setting up delivery of our blog post through the always amazing RSS feed. (its even better than sliced bread, trust me.)


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