Friday, October 17, 2008

The Hammer of War!

It's been a few days since I posted, so I'm sorry about all that. But you've got me back, so dry your tears and listen up.

In the last year or so I've encountered a phenomenon. To explain, I'll start from the beginning.

I'm a gamer.

If you didn't know, you do now. I've played video games for quite some time, and I feel I'm rather talented at it. Sure, I'm not terribly competitive, and when I am I'm usually middle of the road decent. But I'm a gamer, and playing video games is my hobby. It's what I do. But recently (as in the last few years or so) I began getting interested in other expressions of my gaming hobby. Video games aren't quite enough.

So I got into tabletop gaming. D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for the uninformed) caught my eye, and my fiance and I (along with our old pal Justin) started playing on Tuesday nights. It's been a year, and while we've lost characters and Justin stopped playing, we're still going strong trying to figure out the mystery that is 4th edition. But even then, its still a "sit and see what happens" style to gaming. I still wanted more.

At the old gaming store here in Hattiesburg, the Gamer Sanctuary, I used to see people playing war with little plastic painted men. Lo and behold, they were playing a game called Warhammer Fantasy Battle and another version called Warhammer 40,000 (40k for short). For a quick and easy description, it's exactly as I said: a war game with little plastic painted me. It's much more deep than that: it involves assembling and painting them yourself, and has a fairly (arguably) complete set of rules. Well, there's something about the dedication of purchasing, assembling, and painting all those figures and taking them out to fight for justice (or death, whichever).

Through various setbacks, I've finally got a fair assemblage of figures. My army size is middle range, and I'm still learning. You, my loyal readers, will likely be hearing a lot about it in the time to come. I'll put up pictures of my figures and do little tactical articles here and there.

Also, these two hobbies have mixed in the form of the relatively fantastic Warhammer Online, based on Warhammer Fantasy.

So... interested? Don't care? Comment!

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